Celebrate Mother’s Day with a Delicious Treat at Seaton Wetlands!

The Countryside team invites people to enjoy freshly baked cream teas at the Discovery Hut on Sunday 30 March from 11am to 3pm.
Volunteers and the Countryside team will be serving fresh scones with jam and cream for a suggested donation of £3.50, with all proceeds supporting the ongoing management of the much-loved local nature reserve.
Cllr Geoff Jung, Portfolio Holder Coast, Country and Environment said: “Mother’s Day is traditionally one of the busiest days on the reserve. This year, we’re inviting everyone to visit the Discovery Hut to treat their mum, or themselves, to a cream tea in the heart of the wetlands.”
Seaton Wetlands is managed by the East Devon District Council Countryside team for people and wildlife. Visitors can enjoy nearly 4km of level trails and boardwalk alongside the River Axe, perfect for a Mother’s Day stroll.
The Discovery Hut is run by a team of dedicated volunteers throughout the year providing visitors with drinks and refreshments and a chance to learn more about the wildlife found on site, including nesting sand martin, swift and kestrel, which can be observed via the live nest cam.
The Discovery Hut’s winter opening hours are:
Tuesday to Thursday: 11am to 1pm
Friday to Monday: 11am to 3pm
From Easter, opening hours will extend to 10am to 1pm during the week and 10am to 4pm Friday to Monday.
(Subject on volunteer availability)
To find out more about this event and other activities run by the Countryside team visit: What's on