Summer holiday club 5th - 9th August.

Book for one day or for the week at a discounted price!
Adventurous outdoor holiday club for 7-11 year olds, based at Seaton Wetlands, led by experienced education ranger Penny. Each day will be different: learn about wetlands wildlife, explore the site, make crafts using small tools, cook on campfires and play. Morning fruit snack and campfire cooked afternoon snack provided.
What sort of things do we get up to?
Stream dipping, minibeast hunting, den building, trails, wildlife themed games, getting creative using natural materials and small tools, campfire cooking and relaxing in a hammock.
How much:
£35 per child per day. Or £150 if you book for the whole week.
Bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Contact the Wild East Devon team for enquiries 01395 517557



Flyer for Seaton wetlands Summer Holiday Club - Thursday

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