
Discover how Seaton Wetlands works to support wildlife friendly farming through a series of practical activities.

Groups wishing to learn about links between farming, conservation and food production may be eligible for free visits thanks to funding administered by Natural England.

Free visits are limited to 25 per year and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Funded visits will include at least 2 of the following activities;

Farming for Wildlife Trail

Use maps to locate activity points around the nature reserve. Discover how Seaton Wetlands works to support wildlife friendly farming. How do organic cows help minibeasts? What does a wildlife friendly hedge look like? How do we support pollinators?

Suitable for all ages.

Bug Hunting in the grazed meadows

What minibeasts share their habitat with the grazing cattle?

Suitable for all ages.

Stream Dipping

Calculate a biotic index based on the invertebrates we find in the stream habitat. Draw conclusions about the effects of agriculture on water quality.

Suitable for upper KS2 and 3 only.

Pollinator themed games and activities

Make seed bombs, be a Bee in the Pollinator game. Learn about the important role pollinators play in food production and what we can do to help them.

Suitable for all ages.

Farming for Wildlife mini Nature Reserve

Work in teams to create your own mini nature reserve in a tray. Consider how your nature reserve supports wildlife friendly farming.

Suitable for KS1, 2 and 3.

Comprehensive activity and site risk assessments are provided with confirmation of booking.

To book please call 01395 517557 ext. 2060 or email